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Gabrielle Vertulli Pires

  • Nursing training

  • Postgraduate student in obstetrics and gynecology

  • Doula and Perinatal Educator Training

  • Yoga Instructor for Childbirth

  • Interactional Consciousness Therapist

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Minha história

Gabi began her journey by giving birth to her first daughter at the age of 17, in 2003, seeking inspiration and the desire for a natural birth. She faced challenges in the existing system, but even so, she managed to breastfeed without adequate information.

After a decade, she had a transformative experience during her home birth, and left it determined to follow the path of the nurses who accompanied her. In 2014, she completed a doula course, improving her ability to provide physical and emotional support. Training in Yoga for childbirth further strengthened her connection with mothers, harmonizing body and mind.

After the birth of her third child, Gabi began her training as a nurse, driven by the desire to provide comprehensive support to mothers and babies. Her multifaceted career and unique experience guide her in seeking challenges that allow her to apply her knowledge and enrich the care provided.


Schedule an appointment to find out how we can pave the way for you to take the lead in your birth.

Borderless Birthplaces

Opportunity Business Building - R. José Brognoli, 117 - Room 409/410 - Saco dos Limões, Florianópolis - SC, 88045-520

Technical manager - Marielen Formentão Coren-SC: 520656

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