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mulher na banheira com homem e bebê no colo após parto humanizado em florianopolis

Parteras Sin Fronteras - Specialists in humanized birth in Florianópolis

Humanized Hospital Birth | Planned Home Birth

Awaken the power of your pregnancy with the specialized support of our obstetric nurses

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Um bom parto começa antes das primeiras contrações

You can have specialized care during pregnancy and childbirth, in a safe and respectful manner, with action based on scientific evidence and respect for your individuality and that of your baby.

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Who we are

We are a birth support team that offers autonomy and respect to women and babies.

In almost 10 years, accompanying humanized births in Greater Florianópolis and the Santa Catarina coast, we have built a history of trust and care.

Individual consultations focused on your needs and desires for childbirth.

Proven protocols and practices for the safety of mother and baby.

Specialized professionals with expertise in humanized childbirth.

Proven experience in humanized births.

Solid and recognized trajectory in the care of pregnant women.

+ 24/7 availability

+ Promotion of autonomy and ownership of pregnant women

+ Access to informative and educational materials for your journey

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Estamos aqui para que todas as mulheres possam vivenciar a beleza e a potência do parto da maneira que desejam, sem fronteiras, sem limitações, apenas com amor e apoio incondicional.

Presented by Tamala Francis,
Founder and CEO Francis & Co.

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Webinar Program

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Borderless Birthplaces

Opportunity Business Building - R. José Brognoli, 117 - Room 409/410 - Saco dos Limões, Florianópolis - SC, 88045-520

Technical manager - Marielen Formentão Coren-SC: 520656

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